Narcissism: What It Really Looks Like in Dating

Narcissism is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days, but what does it actually look like in a relationship? Let’s break it down.

I’m Jamie Date, a dating coach for men, and this is Natalie Stavola, a life and dating coach. Together, we’re diving into the reality of dating a true narcissist.

Narcissism is NOT:

• Someone who simply disagrees with you.

• Someone who’s occasionally selfish or self-centered.

True narcissism falls on a spectrum, rooted largely in childhood trauma, leading that person to view the world with one's own narrow vision point, without considering others' thoughts or feelings. Here's how to know when dating a narcissist:

1. No Empathy

A narcissist makes light of and disrespects others. They seek to belittle people for making themselves feel bigger. He demeans others, letting them feel small just to feel superior. It's a big red flag.

2. Grandiose Sense of Self

Everything is about their grandeur. They exaggerate their achievements and belittle others' talents, all while secretly feeling insecure. Narcissists need to be the center of attention to fuel their fragile egos.

3. Love Bombing

In the beginning stages, a narcissist will lavish on you with affection and attention. They will make you feel you are the most special person on earth. But don't get too comfortable because soon they enter the devaluation stage, pulling back and making you question your worth.

4. Portent

Narcissists very often set the stage for the future manipulation. They may tell you that they "can't stand insecure or jealous people," thus providing them with a perfectly convenient tool to use against you at the first sign of such a feeling from you.

Final Words
Just because your ex was disagreeing with you or demonstrated a few selfish traits does not qualify them as a narcissist. Narcissism cuts much deeper.Spend quality time with a new person and never ignore red flags, no matter how ridiculously attractive they are. Trust your instincts and go slow. It is worthwhile for your peace of mind.

Jamie Date
Dating Coach for men


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