Don’t Know If You Should End Things with a Girl? Ask Yourself This One Question: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

If you’re unsure whether it’s time to end things with your girl, here’s a simple question to ask yourself: Is the juice worth the squeeze?

Now, I'm talking about juice right now, not the juice at the time you began dating, or that one elusive juice one would always hope for in the future. Now, speaking to right now—as things are today—is this relationship delivering to you the satisfaction and fulfillment that you desire?

Things You Should Seriously Consider:

  • Have you both worked on improving things together? A relationship is a two-way street. Have you both been making an effort to make the connection work? If not, then it's time to break up.

  • Is it out of fear you'll never find something better? Sometimes, it is fear of being alone or the fear that you will not find anyone else which keeps us in a relationship that no longer serves us. If so, you are probably sticking around for all the wrong reasons.

  • You ever squeeze better?Relationships go stale because not so much of a good try is being put into this relationship. Are you actually talking more, doing something different, or going round things bugging you about? It is little movements that might just bring gigantic changes. Truth be known, there's much more "juice" elsewhere. If she is not filling up on the juiciest well, it's time for her to move on with life. Clinging onto a failing relationship benefits neither. At best, you sure aren't growing and/or moving ahead in any life sense.

    So, next time you’re wondering whether to keep pushing or to let go, remember: is the juice worth the squeeze? If not, don’t be afraid to walk away and look for something that truly fulfills you. There’s no shame in knowing when it’s time to move on.

    Jamie Date
    Dating Coach for men


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